Just another outreach email asking for a backlink…

I noticed that you have some great informative blogs. Really great work    About ourselves – AeroLeads is a Lead generating tool (chrome extension) that helps to find business emails and phone numbers of prospects from LinkedIn and our competitors are Hunter, Lusha, etc…… 
We recently wrote a post on this ourselves:([ https://aeroleads.com/blog/find-email-address/ ]( aeroleads.com/blog/find-email-address/?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=Todays_outreach&utm_medium=email )). I would love to know your opinion on that article.  
  Do you think it’s a useful enough resource to consider linking to in your recent article?
We would love to offer you our “[ Climb Plan ]( aeroleads.com/pricing?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=Todays_outreach&utm_medium=email )” (worth 149$) for free.    Let me know if there’s anything else like “Editorial changes” I can help you with.    

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